Local Marketing – Online and Offlne Marketing For Entrepreneurs Wanting To Get Ahead. https://candidmarketer.com No Nonsense Online and Offline Marketing Methods, Advice, and Tips Fri, 16 Aug 2024 18:57:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Marketing Consultants… BEWARE!  ‘Gurus’ Hate [?]THIS[?] Idea… THAT’S Why You Should Look Into It. https://candidmarketer.com/marketing-consultants-beware-gurus-hate-this-idea-thats-why-you-should-look-into-it/ Fri, 16 Aug 2024 18:25:04 +0000 https://candidmarketer.com/?p=497 There’s a book that the gods hate… and this knowledge can point you to marketing consultant enlightenment!

Considering those wanting to be with God… THIS book is continually scoffed at, ridiculed, and critically torn apart.

(I’ll tie all this back to your marketing biz in a moment…)

See, the essence of all major religions is that our job as humans is to get as close as possible to God, The Tao, Infinite Intelligence, Brahman, or whatever you want to call this higher power.

But the ‘enlightened ones’, Jesus, Buddha, Vishnu, and the like… they all seem to teach in coded sort of language that is difficult for most to understand…

“Those who know don’t talk… Those who talk… don’t know…” – Lao Tzu

They claim to only be here to point to the truth (because truth is diminished by words… the unexplainable)

But there is one book that they all hate..

Christian saints, Hindu swamis, Buddhist monks… they hate the writings in…

“How to Know God – The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali”

Why do they hate the book?

Simply because… according to them…  “It tells the spiritual aspirant the exact steps to God.”

So, down through the years, many have given this book a never-ending thumbs down …

What does this have to do with your marketing consultant business?


*Do you want all the fluff? No? So, you’re telling me that you want the core of what’s working online, not all that other stuff you’ll never use??

*Do you want gobs of hours testing niches that could make sales online? No? So, you’re saying that you just want the essentials and to be TOLD what’s been proven to sell?

*Do you want to have a mountain of marketing assets to create? No? So, I’m hearing that you would seriously consider this if All Your Marketing Assets Were DONE already…


What I am about to point you to… is The EXACT, Fastest, And Simplest Way To Make Sales Online! Because:

1 – No Fluff, They’re giving you the NICHE that’s producing sales RIGHT NOW.

2 – They’ve left out all the ‘codey’ language, all the fluff, and are only giving you what you will NEED to start selling…

3 – They’re equipping you with the BEST marketing assets that’ll accelerate your sales.

A direct path to marketing enlightenment?

Yep, it’s like that book that all the gurus hate… a direct path to marketing enlightenment!

See, all the gurus in the online and offline marketing space would also HATE what you will see on the next page, too:)

And that’s the type of thing I’d want to look into…

===>>Weigh The Facts Here.


Mike P.

P.S. Want to learn the ins and outs of becoming a local marketing consultant with the biggest advantage I’ve seen?

Here is an email I sent to my subscribers about this.  Read it and you will get the facts on this ONE previously hidden advantage even newbie marketers can OWN….  I am pasting the email word for word below so you can weigh the facts for yourself 🙂


I almost feel guilty about this.

See, there IS a way to completely change your business for the better… and do it FAST.

Think about what everyone in Local Marketing struggles with…

– Talking to prospect after prospect hoping to get a bite

– Pushing your way through the wave of competing consultants… (especially if your service is common)

– Going through endless ‘numbers’ to find one prospect who needs what you have to give…

– And when you get a bite, you cross your fingers and hope they won’t beat you up on your price…

Wanna know how to end all that mess?

Here’s how.

Be the FIRST to approach this One Audience that no one else knows how to get to… until it’s too late…

That sentence you just read?… 

That alone will:

* Get you more ‘Bites’ than you know what to do with.. that’s 260 days a year! (often on your FIRST DAY doing it… this way)

* Get rid of all your competition by default (… because they only know this audience when it’s too late)

* End your search for businesses that need your service.  They need SO MANY services.. (Even the common ones)

* Get you clients who don’t care about your price… (They’re ready to pay a premium.)

See why I feel guilty about this?… It’s like you’re cheating…

Ready for change?

====>> Weigh the facts here

Talk soon,

Mike Paul

How Marketing Consultants Tap Into The ‘INSANITY’ Of Others To Sign More Clients? https://candidmarketer.com/how-marketing-consultants-tap-the-insanity-of-others-to-sign-more-clients/ Wed, 14 Aug 2024 23:12:51 +0000 https://candidmarketer.com/?p=478 I assure you that marketing consultants will do this with techniques that are ethical, clean, and legal.

We’ve all heard the saying…

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and still getting the same result”

But have you ever really thought about the word Insane?

This will get you thinking…

Someone can only be ‘insane’ if they are not aware that they are insane.

Do you follow me?

In other words, if one knows they are insane… that sheer awareness… negates the insanity status.

Think on that… but first

Did you know that some…

Business owners are insane when it comes to marketing? And smart marketing consultants USE THIS To Their Advantage… 

Take my point from the start of this post – these “insane” businesses are labeled this way because of one thing…

… they are unaware that they are insane businesswise.

“… they are unaware that they are insane businesswise… They have absolutely no clue…”

They have absolutely no clue that they are missing out on one major marketing piece.

And this one piece… if it’s missing, can actually pull the business down.

Follow this direct link to find out what this “piece” is and how you can automate the process of helping businesses become “aware”.

All the best,


P.S. Want to learn the ins and outs of becoming a local marketing consultant offering to cure their insanity with better leads?

Here is an email I sent to my subscribers about this.  Read it and you will know the 4 Golden Niches Of Local Marketing.  I am pasting it word for word below so you can weigh the facts for yourself 🙂


Okay, I’m about to give you the golden rule of client selection when it comes to being a local consultant.

Get this right, and you can rest assured, your long-term success is all but guaranteed.


Any sales pros you work with must be in growing, thriving markets

Okay, I know this rule might be a bit underwhelming but hear me out, okay?

Lately, I’ve been talkin’ about how easy it is to sell leads to sales professionals.

But before you go out into the wild and start tryin’ to onboard any sales pros you find… there’s one thing you have to keep in mind:

Their industry.

Look, all sales professionals are made equal.

But some are more equal than others.

And you’ll quickly find that it is waaaaay easier (and mooooore profitable) to sell leads to sales pros is specific “golden niches”.

Now, you’re free to try and find these niches yourself…

And come up with the lead gen strategies for each one but I’m just gonna save you the trouble.

Four golden sales professional niches that are hungry for leads are:

1: Insurance Sales Pros

2: Roofing Sales Pros

3: Solar Sales Agents

4: Mortgage Sales Agents

Each of these are growing markets.

With high demand.

And high commissions for the sales agents working in them.

Meaning, a very high potential for steady, reliable income.

… also, most of the agents in these niches SUCK at their own lead gen, which is why they’d rather pay YOU to do it for them


Before you rush off to try onboarding them, remember that you still have to generate the leads you’re gonna sell them.

And each niche has its own “nuances” to how you approach them.

This is why I broke down how to approach each of these niches, and generates white hot, ready-to-sell leads even if you’re a beginner in my new package, Rev Up Local..

You’re free to figure all this out on your own, and burn through the ad spend, experience the string of failures and rejection…

And waste the time needed to figure each of these niches out yourself.

Or, you can save yourself the trouble and walk the path I laid for you.

>>>Go weigh the facts about this package over here

Business Marketing Consultants Land ‘MOTHER NATURE’ As Their Lead-Gen Weapon? https://candidmarketer.com/business-marketing-consultants-land-mother-nature-as-their-lead-gen-weapon/ Tue, 13 Aug 2024 19:27:55 +0000 https://candidmarketer.com/?p=471 How would you feel if you just knew in the depths of your soul… that you were set… as a business marketing consultant…

…for a very long time.

The key isn’t always to find an evergreen method. You know, a method that can be used for years to come.

The key is to find an evergreen Niche.

Why are roofers an evergreen niche? Well, because wind and hail will not just stop one day. 

Lucky For Business Marketing Consultants, Mother Nature Won’t Just One Day Stop Doing Its Thing…

In fact, studies show that the dubious weather we’ve seen over the last few years will only get worse!

“…the dubious weather we’ve seen over the last few years will only get worse

So roofers are in much demand – they always will be. 

But most of ’em are not very tech-savvy.   And why should they be? when they’ve been very busy lately with all the hail storm showers.

Listen for a second… 

Why Selling Roofing Leads Just Makes Sense

Roofers will tell you that a roof is one of the easiest things to sell because, in a lot of cases, the homeowner does not have to pay for a new roof!

With this type of insurance claim, the insurance company will foot the bill… AND the homeowner’s insurance premium will NOT go up as a result! (Did you know that?)

This has made the roofing industry become very competitive because it’s very easy to convince the homeowner to take a free roof, right? Not exactly.

Here’s where they need your help. Marketing.

They plain suck at marketing themselves. 

So here it comes…

I have what you need to capitalize on this.

A complete program packed with all the tricks of the trade to have you standing out from the crowd quickly as a go-to business marketing consultant.

Imagine: Finally running a respectable business… knowing that you have your family covered for a very long time with this evergreen niche. How would that make you feel inside?

Your roofer prospects will jump all over it and you will look like a hero because You Are. No one else is doing this as I’ll show you.

You just need a service the Local Roofer can’t deny…

====>>Get that service Here.

P.S. Want to learn the ins and outs of becoming a local marketing consultant offering better leads to Roofers, Roofing Sales People, and Roofing Contractors?

Here is an email I sent to my subscribers about this – I am pasting it word for word below so you can weigh the facts for yourself 🙂


Did you know that roofing company salespeople are 1099 contractors?

This means they are responsible for their own marketing.

You got it… They practically own their own business.

Do you know how much they make?

Easily over 10% on a roof job.

Take a typical 15k new roof job and they make 1500 bucks!

And what about a commercial roof for 40k? That’s $4000 on one sale!

The point I’m trying to make is that this peculiar sub-niche HAS THE BUDGET to pay you well.

And they’re surprisingly easy to get as clients 🙂

One reason for this is that they’re at a critical point of immense suffering… 

It’s like when you’ve just had too much and can’t take anymore – that’s where they’re at because…

Since our weather has gone haywire, their competition has gone out of control, so –

You just need a service they can’t deny…

====>>Get that service Here.

[Local Marketing] Street smart prospecting secrets of the wealthiest drug dealers? https://candidmarketer.com/local-marketing-street-smart-prospecting-secrets-of-the-wealthiest-drug-dealers/ Wed, 07 Aug 2024 20:20:44 +0000 https://candidmarketer.com/?p=449 Despite how questionable drug dealers are in their business…

There IS something to learn from them, 

… especially when it comes to prospecting for new leads in your local marketing business… and creating streams of recurring payments from loyal clients.

First off…

Get ‘em ‘HOOKED’ first…

Let’s get one thing clear, I’m not about to teach you how to sell illegal substances on a street corner… but I AM gonna show you how to sell your services as a local marketing consultant.

And yes, if you want to pitch them on a street corner don’t let me stop you 🙂

Now to start off, drug dealers understand that most of the leads they get aren’t already hooked

And they understand that their stuff is already too expensive for most people to just buy when it’s their first time.

Sooooo, they do little “trial runs” with their customers.

The first hit is either on discount or completely free.

They want to get you hooked as fast as possible, and the best way to do that is to get you to experience the product on THEIR dime.

They want to get you hooked as fast as possible, and the best way to do that is to get you to experience the product on THEIR dime.

After getting the prospect hooked?

What usually happens after this is that the customer comes for more…

…see, this isn’t the type of business where folks shop around.   And by the time they come back, the prospective customer already knows, and trusts the dealer… 

And THAT is when the dealer slaps them with the full price.

If the free trial is good enough, the customer will willingly pay full price for their fix.

The same thing applies in business.

Local Marketing Consultants approach the deal like a drug dealer?

Look, it’s hard gettin’ a new client to pay you full price if they don’t already know, like and trust you. This is because they’d be taking a chance on you, and in many cases, they can’t afford to do that.

Soooo, what you do is approach the deal like a drug dealer.

Offer them a simple, relatively low ticket “tune-up” offer you can pull off to gain their trust, while giving them massive value.

After that, it’s way easier to upgrade the client to a higher ticket package… or even a recurring deal with monthly checks.

This is the approach to prospecting you’ll discover in the Auto Ugly program when you get your hands dirty and apply it.

However, for maximum effect, you need to apply the second principle exploited by drug dealers:

Principal #2 For Local Marketers Wanting To Get Clients Faster?

Drug dealers know to “offer their stuff” to people who really need to “escape”.

They take advantage of people in vulnerable situations and offer their stuff as a way to cope with the bad feelings.

Now, I’m not suggesting you approach businesses that are in a serious rut and desperate (most of them need your service but they can’t afford you).

But what I AM suggesting, is approaching a very specific niche of sales agents in a “desperate” position.

They absolutely need what you have to offer.

They know what they have to gain by working with you.

And they can afford to hire you!

They absolutely need what you have to offer.

They know what they have to gain by working with you.

And they can afford to hire you!

I share all the details of who these sales agents are, and how you can find them in my ‘giving them a taste’ section of the training you can only gain access to if you order the training course before I jack the price way up. 

If you combine the ‘Give them A Taste’ method with what I share in this training…

You gain the skills to serve your clients (even if you’re a beginner)… and you’ll know exactly where to find them.

⇒Go weigh the facts and get your hands on this ‘Give ’em a taste’ training course here

All the best,


P.S. Want To Approach Local Marketing With The ‘Give Them A Taste’ Angle?

I’m super excited about this, but THIS PAGE covers more of the details.  Go ahead and review it, study it, and that way you’ll be able to make a good decision.  

Here is an email I sent to my subscribers about this – I am pasting it word for word below so you can weigh the facts for yourself 🙂


Hey, I got the training replay ready for you to view.

Here’s why they’re willing to pay you $2100 for just one batch of leads…

During the onset of COVID-19, this business niche came to an abrupt halt.

I vividly recall conversations with salesmen and women who were shakin’ in their boots, saying things like, “I’m not sure where I’ll be in a month… I could be homeless.”

Later on, as the COVID situation dragged on,

… inventory shortages became increasingly bizarre, with stories circulating about pirate hijackings, warehouse fires, and staffing issues.

Even if you weren’t one to entertain conspiracy theories, it was hard not to wonder if such coincidences could really be happening at a rate like that.

But here’s the silver lining…

*This niche needs you more than ever before. (one aspect of their Covid-trails remains today… it’s what will catapult your business)

*They’re buying recycled and shared leads at $20-$50 a pop and they are drowning… (this makes closing them as new clients super simple)

*They’re open, even eagerly willing to listen to you… that’s why they’re being signed as new clients faster now than ever… 

(Much faster and easier than high-competition niches like restaurants, lawyers, and real estate)

And because of their lingering ‘Covid-Challenges’, they’re willing to pay you BIG TIME. 

Well, to you, it will be big. To them, they’re getting an amazing price for your services!

And it’s because of the times we’re in.

It’s like a perfect storm is happening and I lay it all out on this breakthru training…

====>>> Go here to see the REPLAY
